Saturday, June 27, 2009

CNN Effect for Communicating Recognition to Senior Leaders

In order to get senior leader buy-in to strategize, align and use recognition effectively you may have to use the CNN Method to communicate the power and benefit of recognition practices and programs.

My travel across Europe and staying in hotels causes me to turn on the English version of CNN to catch up on the news. You can use the CNN methods of news reporting to inform, inspire and reinforce recognition with your senior leader team.

Let’s examine closely and apply the CNN Method of communication

Developing Story
Often you will hear and see the broad headline category of a Developing Story on CNN. Keep your leaders informed of any new developments with recognition practices or programs. Never let them hear about some new recognition initiative through the grapevine. They must hear directly and where possible hear it first.

Breaking News
Negative news always travels faster than positive with some research stating 10 times faster. Provide your leaders with any recognition faux pas in presentations or missed recognition opportunities with employees so they can be addressed quickly and apologetically. At the same time make sure they hear about exemplary actions and behaviours of people that might provide your leader with a chance to shine by sending some personal acknowledgement to an employee in the company.

Scroll-bar Updates
You’ve seen them while watching a CNN report. Underneath the camera shot or news report you find succinct news updates highlighted in short text scrolling to the left underneath. This is similar with providing short email reports to a leader on what’s happening. Or it’s taking advantage of hallway or elevator encounters to give a headline version report to them.

Special Report
Then on a predetermined frequency you need to provide your leaders with Special Reports. These are the accountability reviews that should be held at least quarterly with an annual end of year review ahead of annual planning for the following year.

So take advantage of one of the media's leading news sources in communicating your recognition messages...use the CNN Effect.

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