Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Defining Moments - Employee Engagement

Melcrum, the communications company for corporate communicators, recently conducted a poll to gauge people’s definition of what employee engagement really is.

They provided 5 definitions of employee engagement to choose from and asked participants which one they most agreed with. They had over 100 people respond and here are the results by highest ranked percentage of responses:

* "Intellectual understanding and emotional commitment" - 34%
* "Getting employees' hearts and minds orientated to the business" - 33%
* "Employees who say, stay and strive" - 13%
* "Employees who think and act as business people" - 9%
* "Employees who create a lasting difference to the customer" - 8%
* “Other” - 3%
This continues to support the Recognition Management Institute’s perspective with employee recognition as well – that recognition is an emotional and feeling experience as well as performance based.

Our definition of Real Recognition is simply, “any thought word or deed towards making someone feel appreciated for who they are and recognized for what they do.”

The variables for giving meaningful, effective, and “real” recognition is both performance focused and feelings driven.

Let’s ensure we get emotional commitment from our people by engaging their hearts and minds and by honoring them with Real Recognition.

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